A historical perspective of the Plymouth Soccer Club is likely best found in the hearts and minds of all those who played for the Kicks or Lightning over the 20+ years that any of the current members can track back to. In an effort to build upon that known history, this page is here for us to develop such a history as we progress as a club.
Initially, the City of Plymouth Recreation Department developed a program for the "new" sport of soccer in the mid 1970's with a very limited amount of participation and when just two 11v11 fields were more than enough to cover the entire needs of the program.
In the early 1980's, the City of Plymouth Recreational soccer program helped form a league with the Northville Soccer club to help in finding consistent opponents to play with the growing number of teams.
This new league included the original charter members of the City of Plymouth Recreation Department, Northville Soccer Club, South Lyon Soccer Club, Livonia YMCA, Farmington Soccer Club, and the City of Novi Recreation Department. This league was named the Western Suburban Soccer League (WSSL). WSSL is now the largest soccer league in the State of Michigan.
In the mid 1980's the need was recognized to help advanced players that showed potential but were still too young to play in the newly created Premier "Bonanza" Soccer League for U-12's and older. "Bonanza" was a local steak house chain at the time that sponsored the newly formed advanced player's league. This league is now what we commonly call "Premier" or MSPSP.
With the establishment of the "Bonanza" League, a gap was created for advanced player development for U-9 thru U-11 age divisions. This gap was filled by the WSSL with a new classification called the "Select" level.
With this these new advanced levels of soccer, the Plymouth Soccer Club was born.
The original colors of the Plymouth Soccer Club were due to the heavy influence of Michigan State graduates working in the Plymouth Recreation Department at the time. The club colors were named MSU - Kelly Green and White. Later, in 1998, the official colors were changed to Forest Green and White with allowable accents of Gold and Silver Gray.